Customer Testimonials


After finding E/A Electrical Automation, we've had to look no further. E/A Electrical Automation has been a wonderful experience, and we have to look no longer Thanks E/A Electrical Automation.




After completing a panel replacement the customer was so happy with E/A's work, she looked at the president and stated "You guys can always use me as a reference, you've done an excellent job". E/A is the electrical contractor for me.




"E/A Electrical Automation Inc. has done my electrical work for years. They’re the only one I rely on in Houston."



"Our company went through several electricians before we found E/A Electrical Automation Inc.. Now, we can finally stop looking for a company that always responds quickly, sends experienced professionals and can handle any problem, including replacing worn-out cables."



"We are delighted to have worked with E/A Electrical Automation Inc.. They fitted all of the installations in our new hotel on time, on budget and in line with the latest health and safety regulation."



E/A Electrical Automation our electrical contractor for life. Thanks E/A, as you guys have allowed us to have faith in the electrical industry again.


E/A Electrical Automation Inc
7207 Regency Square

Suite 220

Houston, TX 77036

Phone: (832)-363-7957

Business Hours

7:00 am to 5:30 pm M/F

24 Hour Service Calls


City of Houston

State of Texas


Port Of Houston

University Of Houston


Equal   Opportunity Employerl

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© E/A Electrical Automation Inc.